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Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Cinqo de Mayo!

2 boxes of cut roses arrived just in time for Cinqo de Mayo. These are not your ordinary, uni-colored roses. Instead, www.Fiestaroses.com specializes in petal-dyed roses through a patented process that allows the dye to travel up the stems to color the petals from the inside out. This Sunday we will have owner Tom Wienckowski as our guest to tell us about his unique and extraordinary roses and he thoughtfully sent me two bouquets of canary-yellow/white roses and rainbow roses with individual-colored petals of blue, green, yellow, magenta and purple. He knows words cannot adequately describe their stunning colors so here are a couple of photos that I have taken. Both bouquets arrived perfectly in beautiful, colorful boxes complete with vases, instructions and flower preservatives. One even came with a cuddly teddy bear! Starting at about $79.95 for a dozen, they make a wonderful gift to celebrate a special occasion - not just Cinqo de Mayo, but Mother's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, too. Be sure to tune in Sunday to hear about Tom's rose-growing venture in Equador high in the Andes mountains.

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