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Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Bulb as Big as Your Head!

Last fall, I planted several Giant Squill (Urginea maritima) bulbs in between my fruit trees. Native to Greece, it thrives where summers are dry (or where you do not irrigate) and winters are wet. As long as there is full sun, well-draining soil and temperatures do not dip below freezing (zones 10-11), it will flourish without fertilizer or supplemental water once established. The 4-6 ft. tall flowering spikes appear in August and the foliage emerge in autumn. But the real reasons why I LOVE my Giant Squill: first of all, the "coolness factor" - true to its name, the bulb is as big as your head!; second, the flower spikes continue to grow, twist and turn even after they are cut and will last for about 2 weeks in a vase; and third, because of its high alkaloid content, gophers, rats and other rodents stay away. If you live in a mild-winter region, try planting minimum-care Giant Squill. It will be the talk of your neighborhood.

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