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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Save the Hannah Carter Japanese Garden Update

If you read this week's GardenLife Newsletter, you know I am asking you to sign a petition to save the Hannah Carter Japanese Garden owned by UCLA. For those who do not receive the newsletter, go to the GardenLife facebook or twitter for my feature. Please direct all your friends and neighbors to www.hannahcarterjapanesegarden.com to sign the petition sponsored by a coalition that includes many worthy organizations such as the Garden Conservancy. It is a horticultural jewel in Bel Air, California that should continue to be open to the public as stipulated by the Carter family when they donated the garden to UCLA years ago.

UCLA has listed the garden and the adjacent house for sale, despite receiving over a thousand letters, emails and phone calls protesting the sale. But never underestimate the power of public outcry. We can still get UCLA to do the right thing by signing the petition and writing Chancellor Block and the regents directly. Remind them that they promised to maintain this garden "in perpetuity".

You can also plant a "Stop the Sale" sign on your front yard to publicize to friends, neighbors and general public that saving the garden if very important. It's only a couple of square feet and the sign can make a difference. To get your sign or find out the recommended locations or volunteer to help with distribution, contact Adrian Fine: afine@laconservancy.org. Let's all raise our voices to speak for the garden!

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