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Friday, August 17, 2012

Cornucopia from Specialty Produce

Don't miss our talk with Dana on this Saturday's show. She is the enthusiastic and knowledgeable foodie ambassador for Specialty Produce.  For the last two weeks I have been purchasing online their $20 Market Bag that is filled with freshly picked, best of the season produce from local farmers. This week's cornucopia included different colored peppers, baby Cipollini onions and bok choy, honey nugget tangerines, yellow wax beans, black beauty eggplant, Luciano kale and Piel del Sapo melon. Of course, when I picked up my bag of delectables, I added some extra heirloom tomatoes, Dutch butter potatoes, shelling peas, pea greens and tendrils, baby watermelon gherkins and squash. From now on, I will be purchasing the weekly Market Bag to supplement my forays at Farmer's Markets and my own harvests. Since it would be impossible for me to plant the infinite multiplicity of fruits and vegetables varieties in my limited garden, I can still sample what is in season thanks to all the enterprising and talented local farmers in my locale. And another benefit from purchasing unfamiliar fruits and vegetables is it inspires me to experiment with new recipes. What a fun, culinary adventure!

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