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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Common Bluetail Damselfly

This weekend's top of my to-do list included cleaning out the fish pond and clipping back the overgrown water plants. Fortunately the weather was warm and so was the water as I sloshed about scrubbing off the residue algae, pruning back plants that had overstepped their boundaries and skimming up all the floating gunk. Sometimes mindless tasks such as cleaning a pond can be very relaxing, especially with our resident birds providing a chirping songfest. Perhaps out of curiosity about the strange interloper splashing and thrashing in the pond, a common bluetail damselfly lit upon a nearby rock to oversee my activities. It stayed for quite a long time, occasionally opening and closing its wings as if to catch the warming rays of the sun. As luck would have it, I had my camera with me and took its picture just before it lit away. I have no idea why it is called the common bluetail damselfly, because its radiant beauty is anything but common.

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