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Saturday, March 31, 2012

My Mighty 'Matos Grafted Tomatoes Have Arrived!

Winter's slumber has come to an end at last and spring' s greenery and floral displays are awakening my garden. All that is needed are some grafted tomato, eggplant and pepper plants to make my summer dreams a reality. Although I will wait until May for the latter two vegetables, 9 of my Mighty 'Mato plants have arrived perfectly secure in their plastic holders and boxed in brightly-colored boxes. To expand my tomato palate, I am planting varieties that I have not grown before with the exception of one: Ananas Noire, Beauty King, Blush, Carmello, Indigo Rose, Large Barred Boar, Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye, Porkchop and Tangerine. Since I love ALL tomatoes, some of my selections are sweet, others are acid and a few have a balance between acid and sweet. If I create one more raised bed, there will be room for three more tomato plants and although I have grown the Pachino before, it will be one of my choices and perhaps Copia and Costaluto Genovese. Do you have some suggestions for me? No matter what I select for my grafted tomatoes, I know there will be healthy, vigorous and tasty tomatoes a 'plenty to serve fresh or cooked in sauces for my family, neighbors and friends. Good growing everyone!

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