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Friday, November 19, 2010

Oscar "The Grouse" becomes a friend

A week ago I decided to supplement our accidental tourist's (read my October 26 blog) diet of pomegranates that have fallen off our trees with wild bird seed purchased at my local nursery. Every afternoon, I poured a generous portion of seeds into a saucer under our cork oak tree and the following morning, the seeds would be gone. Yesterday, I decided to sit by the seed-filled saucer in the hopes that the shy, Oscar "The Blue Grouse" would get used to my presence. He must have been waiting in the shrubbery underneath the cork oak tree, because as soon as I poured the seeds and sat down, he appeared. At first, he skittered all around me nervously, but once he decided I was not a danger to him, he calmly strolled over and feasted on the seed buffet. His trust binds me to him and if he chooses to leave, I will forever equate the magic of nature with his "accidental" appearance. Feathered friends like Oscar "The Grouse" make gardens even more wondrous.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful experience. One of my favorite nurse/patient experiences was the rescue of a juvenile female Rose-breasted Grosbeak. She let me hold her in my hand. Three weeks of rehab then strong enough to return to her natural habitat.
