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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Accidental Tourist

While puttering amongst our fruit trees, Bruce heard a rustling, shuffling sound coming from under the fruit-laden branches of our pomegranate tree. As he got closer, out strolled a plump, 21-inch long, chocolate brown bird mottled with black and creamy-edged feathers. Because of its calm nature, Bruce was able to take a few photos and we think it is an immature male blue grouse. Normally, the blue grouse's range is western North America's deciduous and mixed mountainous forests, but he seems quite at home in our orchard located in the southernmost coastal region of San Diego county. If our accidental tourist decides to become a permanent resident, we'll gladly share our pomegranates and other fruitful bounty with him. After all, urban gardens should also be havens for our feathered friends.

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen anything like this in San Diego. Great shots!
